The Doctor and the Ponds puzzle an unlikely invasion of Earth, as millions of sinister black cubes arrive overnight, almost like presents falling from the sky. But what are they, what’s inside them and most importantly, who sent them? With the international community at a loss, it’s left to the Doctor to unearth who is behind the mystery.
7 - 1Asylum of the Daleks September 01, 2012
7 - 2Dinosaurs on a Spaceship September 08, 2012
7 - 3A Town Called Mercy September 15, 2012
7 - 4The Power of Three September 22, 2012
7 - 5The Angels Take Manhattan September 29, 2012
7 - 6The Bells of Saint John March 30, 2013
7 - 7The Rings of Akhaten April 06, 2013
7 - 8Cold War April 13, 2013
7 - 9Hide April 20, 2013
7 - 10Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS April 27, 2013
7 - 11The Crimson Horror May 04, 2013
7 - 12Nightmare in Silver May 11, 2013
7 - 13The Name of the Doctor May 18, 2013