In a sun-dappled Sherwood Forest, The Doctor discovers an evil plan from beyond the stars. But with the fate of Nottingham at stake (and possibly Derby), there's no time for the two adventurers to get into a fight about who is real and who isn't - which is probably why they do very little else!
8 - 1Deep Breath August 23, 2014
8 - 2Into the Dalek August 30, 2014
8 - 3Robot of Sherwood September 06, 2014
8 - 4Listen September 13, 2014
8 - 5Time Heist September 20, 2014
8 - 6The Caretaker September 27, 2014
8 - 7Kill the Moon October 04, 2014
8 - 8Mummy on the Orient Express October 11, 2014
8 - 9Flatline October 18, 2014
8 - 10In the Forest of the Night October 25, 2014
8 - 11Dark Water November 01, 2014
8 - 12Death in Heaven November 08, 2014