As Bravo Team begins their deployment in Afghanistan during peace negotiations, Sonny reports to an Air Force base in Texas to serve his disciplinary training action, where he gets reacquainted with Hannah, a childhood friend.
3 - 1Welcome to the Refuge October 02, 2019
3 - 2Ignore and Override October 09, 2019
3 - 3Theory and Methodology October 16, 2019
3 - 4The Strength of the Wolf October 23, 2019
3 - 5All Along the Watchtower (1) October 30, 2019
3 - 6All Along the Watchtower (2) November 06, 2019
3 - 7The Ones You Can't See November 20, 2019
3 - 8Danger Crossing November 27, 2019
3 - 9Kill or Cure December 04, 2019
3 - 10Unbecoming an Officer December 11, 2019
3 - 11Siege Protocol February 26, 2020
3 - 12Fog of War March 04, 2020
3 - 13Objects in Mirror March 11, 2020
3 - 14Rules of Engagement March 18, 2020
3 - 15Last Known Location March 25, 2020
3 - 16Drawdown April 08, 2020
3 - 17Edge of Nowhere April 22, 2020
3 - 18In the Blind April 29, 2020
3 - 19No Choice in Duty May 06, 2020